New App: Boise’s Most Wanted
So I had one of those late night ideas for an app after seeing this site: Boise Area’s Most Wanted. I thought that would make a great app because who’s going to sit there and remember all those faces and …
So I had one of those late night ideas for an app after seeing this site: Boise Area’s Most Wanted. I thought that would make a great app because who’s going to sit there and remember all those faces and …
NetRef is our latest iPhone app, published through LTZ. With NetRef, you can look up all default passwords and IP addresses for those new or old routers. Once you set up your router, you can use the built-in Ping feature …
I’ve been doing a ton of application development for LTZ lately. Not only have I been working hard at getting iPhone and Android apps finished, but I’ve also been updating the website and making sure our apps are properly represented. …
I’ll be putting on a workshop on iOS and iPhone development this Saturday from 9AM to 5PM on the Virginia Tech campus. The event is free so if you’re in the area feel free to sign up: The event …
Many people throw around the term entrepreneur. It seems most people put that in their bios. Don’t tell me you’re an entrepreneur, show me. What have you done? When we started LTZ, our mobile and web app development company, we …